
Duizenden kalibratierapporten zijn een data-goudmijn gebleken! Deze week bij Nobian Rotterdam de resultaten verwerkt van mijn analyse van meer dan duizend kalibratierapporten van meetinstrumenten. Het enige wat hiervoor nodig was, waren;– een grote stapel kalibratierapporten (pdf)– een algoritme voor tekstherkenning in Python (Tesseract)– een standaard laptop (zonder GPU) Binnen Nobian Rotterdam zijn afgelopen 10 jaar…

Framework agreement with Nobian signed!

After two years of being detached to Nobian at the Botlek site as a Maintenance Engineer Instrumentation a framework agreement has been signed for consultancy on maintenance and reliability. Can’t wait to apply the Prespector app for the Failure Mode & Effect Analysis and Risk Based Inspections. Looking forward to years of close coorperation!

Prespector available for free!

After the launch of Prespector on the VIKTOR platform you can now use Prespector for free to try it. You can find out for yourself how it works and download the results of your failure rates. What Prespector does? It updates your failure rates (probability of failure) of your asset types (e.g. cooling water pump…

Survival analysis up & running!

In healthcare the survival analysis to estimate life expectancy is used widely. This type of regression is perfectly suitable to estimate the remaining useful life (RUL) of machines in industry. Especially when used with Proportional Hazards this algorithm can be used to predict the RUL of a machine depending on its rate of use and…

DSM Food Specialties – Data analysis

Results on the data analysis of the yeast centrifuges at DSM Food Specialties are starting to get form! Using machine learning the behaviour of these systems can be predicted and abnormalities detected by the Plant Support Engineers and Maintenance Engineers. The assignment is to develop a way of condition monitoring of these centrifuges spinning at…

GICOM Composting Systems

I’m proud to announce that my first assigment as freelance maintenance engineer will be as project manager of an expansion project for a composting system with GICOM Composting systems. The excisting facility in Northern Ireland will be expanded with 4 compost tunnels and 2 biofilters. Commissioning will be finished in June 2019.